Cupid's Pulse Article: MatchMade Scholarship: Connecting the Children of Match Couples to an EducationCupid's Pulse Article: MatchMade Scholarship: Connecting the Children of Match Couples to an Education

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By Lori Bizzoco and Liz Kim

First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes the — well, you know the rest. was launched in 1995, and since then, it has become one of the largest online dating sites in the world. With all those success stories, can you guess how many babies have been “made” through connections? Over 1 million! With this thought in mind, is excited to launch their annual scholarship program, MatchMade Scholarships. One lucky winner will receive $50,000 towards their first year of college, and their parents will win $5,000 towards a MatchMade Getaway.

For me, MatchMade hits particularly close to home. I met my husband Drew on in 2003. He didn’t fit my “type,” and after our first date, I never called him back — but if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. Drew messaged me for the second time in 2006, and I decided to give him another chance. Nine weeks later, during a whirlwind Valentine’s Day trip to Mexico, Drew proposed to me on the beach. After nearly seven years, we are still happily married and have two beautiful daughters, ages 3 and 5.

As parents, Drew and I understand that it’s never too early to start thinking about your child’s future. College tuitions are more expensive than ever, and is here to help. For nearly 20 years, happy couples have been sharing their stories, and now the site wants to hear from your kids. The rules are simple: Children between the ages of 13-20 are asked to creatively tell their parents’ love story (who met on, of course) in a 1-2 minute video.

Need some inspiration? Check out MatchMade’s Launch video on what happens when you ask kids about life and love. These children aren’t afraid to tell it like it is, and that’s exactly what wants from the contest entries. Beginning May 5th through June 30th, kids can submit their video creations via MatchMade’s website. Whether side-splittingly hilarious or grab-the-tissues moving, only the most creative video will win.

Up to 10 finalists will be chosen in July, and on August 18th, their fate will be in the public’s hands. On September 1st, the video with the highest number of shares will be announced, and the winner will receive a grand prize of $50,000 towards their first year of college. Of course, hasn’t forgotten about the parents: They will receive $5,000 towards a MatchMade getaway!

From first emails to walking down the aisle, wants to hear every heartfelt love story of couples who met on the site. Once you make the video, share it using #MatchMade — the more shares you get, the greater your chance of taking home the grand prize. Now, go grab your camera and get creative!

Please visit MatchMade for all of the rules and to enter the contest. Good luck!