Cupid's Pulse Article: National Singles Week: How to Stay ConnectedCupid's Pulse Article: National Singles Week: How to Stay Connected

By Gabriela Robles

It’s the week that makes us all embrace the strong, sexy women that we are — National Singles Week!

Dating during this day and age can seem almost impossible, but it isn’t! The following list, which gives singles advice on how to successfully make romantic connections in a constantly connected world, is built from ChristianMingle and JDate’s newest study titled Mobile’s Impact on Dating and Relationships, which reveals surprising data about singles’ smartphone habits and redefines dating etiquette in the digital age.

You don’t need to hide your phone on a date: 81 percent of singles find it acceptable or would not be offended if their date responded to a text, email or phone call while on a date — as long as the response was accompanied by a reasonable explanation.

You do need to send a little love note within 24 hours of a good date: 78 percent of singles expect to communicate within 24 hours after a good first date.

A text in lieu of a phone call? Totally acceptable: Approximately one-third of both men (31 percent) and women (33 percent) agree it’s less intimidating asking someone on a date via text versus making a phone call.

Make sure you’re okay with sharing the bed: While they sleep, 25 percent of singles ages 21-26 keep their phones in bed with them and two-thirds of singles keep their phones within at least an arm’s reach of bed. A surprising 16 percent of singles have even admitted to checking their mobile phone during sex.

Just because you can communicate 24/7 doesn’t mean you should: 20 percent of singles are annoyed by someone who sends more than 10 text messages in a day, with the majority of singles becoming irritated after being sent more than 15 text messages in a day.

Want to meet someone new? Your smartphone is a good place to start: 55 percent of singles feel their mobile devices make it easier to meet and get to know people they may be interested in dating.

What are some ways you take advantage of technology while dating?  Tell us in the comments below!