Cupid's Pulse Article: Taylor Swift Disses Harry Styles at VMA AwardsCupid's Pulse Article: Taylor Swift Disses Harry Styles at VMA Awards

By Kerri Sheehan

Hollywood’s Breakup Queen is at it again! Singer and songwriter Taylor Swift made a low blow at One Direction’s Harry Styles during MTV’s Video Music Awards on Sunday night. While the Brit boy band member was on stage presenting an award, Swift was filmed in the audience mouthing, “Shut the f— up!” to BFF Selena Gomez. Haylor were an item for a couple of months before calling it quits back in January. Later in the show Swift took home a Moon Man for her hit song, “I Knew You Were Trouble,” and made a dig at the high-profile guy who inspired her to write the song. Previously it was thought to be written about her 2010 fling with Jake Gyllenhall, but people are now thinking it could also be about Styles. During her speech Swift thanked her fans and then quipped, “I also want to thank the person that inspired this song, and he knows exactly who he is, because I got one of these!” according to Writing about past relationships is how the 23-year-old made a name for herself but, maybe she is forgetting her own advice that, “No amount of vintage dresses gives you dignity.”

How do you keep anger at bay after a bitter breakup?

Cupid’s Advice:

Being bitter over a breakup is second nature, but sometimes you have to hold that in. Cupid has some advice about how to keep your feelings at bay:

1. Stay cool: Don’t stress too much over the breakup! There are plenty of other people who are dying to date you, so getting overly angry because about one person won’t do you any good. Save your emotions for something more useful, like the series premiere of Grey’s Anatomy.

2. Act nonchalant: The last thing you want your ex to know is how heartbroken you were over the break up. It has always been said that success is the best revenge and this is especially applicable for breakups. You want your ex to think you’re happy and healthy, even if at the end of the day you’re sitting on your couch eating bon-bons and sobbing while watching, “Up!”

3. Be the bigger person: Even if your ex is making jabs at you it’s best to be the bigger person and let it slide. Stooping to their level will only make you look at childish as they are. Take a note from Harry Styles’s book and play it cool.

How do you act after a bitter breakup? Share below.