Cupid's Pulse Article: Victoria Beckham Says She Feels Guilty Being a Working MomCupid's Pulse Article: Victoria Beckham Says She Feels Guilty Being a Working Mom

By Kerri Sheehan

You may know her as Posh, but since her Spice Girls days Victoria Beckham has managed to have four kids, marry soccer star David Beckham, and start a successful career in fashion. However, Beckham admits that she feels a bit guilty about being a working mom. She told, “It’s a huge juggling act, when you are a working mother and looking after your family. Millions and millions of women around the world are doing this every day, but it’s not easy and yes, you feel guilty every time you walk out of the door to go to work.”

How do you balance your career and family successfully?

Cupid’s Advice:

For working moms there is never enough time in the day. Read on to find out how balance is key:

1. Set goals: Many people set goals at work, however it is important to do the same at home. Start small, like making it home for dinner and then transition into larger things like spending one whole day a week with your family.

2. Separate your time: Nothing will make your children feel worse than you taking a business call during time you reserved for your family. Keep your career time and family time from bleeding together.

3. Communication: Make sure you’re open to criticism from your partner and kids. If your family feels neglected then they may be scared to tell your so. Let them know that it’s okay to tell you you’re doing a bad job of juggling both.

How do you balance your career and family? Share below.