By April Littleton
In this comedy drama directed by Dan Mirvish, two couples reunite over two evenings. Grace and Carlo (played by Julia Stiles and Taye Diggs) are newlywed New Yorkers who decide to visit their old friends Sharyl and Joel (played by Melissa George and David Harbour) in their Midwestern home. Behind closed doors, the hosts are in a disastrous marriage, but an unlikely meeting between the couples years later, shows the roles have reversed.
Should you see it:
If you’re a fan of Hollywood actresses like Julia Stiles and Melissa George, then this is the movie for you. Let’s not forget to mention the eye candy that comes in the form of Taye Diggs. If you’re familiar with David Harbour and some of his previous roles in films such as W.E. and and Kinsey, you won’t be disappointed with his performance in Between Us.
Who to take:
This film will be perfect to see with a best friend, family member or spouse. Don’t feel left out if you’re in the early stages of a new relationship, you and your new boo will be able to relate to some aspects of this movie as well. Between Us isn’t just your typical “chick flick.” Considered a dark comedy, this film is sure to have intense moments and plenty of comedic scenes, so the fellas won’t be sitting in the back of the movie theater bored out of their minds.
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How do you turn a failing marriage around?
Cupid’s Advice:
Marriages begin to self-destruct for many reasons – whether it be from lack of trust, intimacy or communication.When your marriage reaches a certain point, it’s time for you to decide whether you’re going to fight to save the relationship or let it go. If you choose to take the steps toward reconciliation, you have to know where to start first. Cupid has some advice:
1. No fighting: When you and your partner have an issue to address, don’t resort to verbal abuse. Think about what you say before you say it, no matter how emotional you may be feeling at the time. If you feel yourself reaching your boiling point, take a step back and cool off. Don’t let your rash decisions and emotions ruin a relationship you considered perfection not so long ago.
2. Get to know each other: Sometimes you have to start all over to get back to the relationship you used to have with someone. You’ve probably been out of touch with your partner for so long that you don’t even remember the little things that make him or her smile. Start from scratch. Let go of all the bad memories and try to rebuild from the good ones. Talking to each other again – even if it’s just about the basics (like your spouse’s new favorite song) is taking a step in the right direction.
Related: Second (and Third) Marriages: Destined For Divorce?
3. Be patient: Don’t assume your marriage will be fixed overnight and don’t give up at the first sign of struggle. It’s going to take some time to gain back the love and trust the two of you once had in each other. When you do finally bounce back, the two of you, as a couple, will be stronger than ever.
Are you in a marriage that almost didn’t last? How did you turn the failing relationship around? Share your experience below.