Cupid's Pulse Article: Dating Advice: 10 Tips to Being Successful With Online DatingCupid's Pulse Article: Dating Advice: 10 Tips to Being Successful With Online Dating

By Sarah Ribeiro

Do you constantly find yourself telling your friends “there are no good guys?” You’ve gone on a million dates on every dating site and you just can’t seem to find the one. It’s true, online dating is tricky. It’s a grueling process to deal with searching through thousands of profiles, hoping to find your true love in a mass of duds. Plus, you deal with the awkwardness of sitting with a stranger who’s a complete creep or is nothing like you hoped. However, if you do it the right way, you can skip all the awkward uncertainty and find your perfect match in no time. Here are some tips for being successful with online dating:

1. Take everything with a grain of salt: Recognize that your date may not be entirely truthful on his profile. Before you head out with an expectation of that tall, dark and handsome doctor, consider the possibility that he may be posting an older photo, or that he may work in a hospital — just not as a doctor.

2. Be true to yourself: If you’re not honest on your dating profile, you can’t expect anyone else to be. Be sure to upload a recent photo and keep your information up-to-date so there’s no surprise on your end.

3. Fill up your profile: The best way to avoid awkward silences on your first date is to have a lot to talk about. Upload plenty of photos and include all of your interests to easily initiate conversation.

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4. Don’t write a novel: While you want a lot of information about yourself that will reveal your personality, no guy is going to read an 800-word description. Stick to the basic information like your job, hobbies, and interests and limit yourself to five sentences per category.

5. KeepItSimple101: A complicated or inappropriate username may keep the good ones away. Stay away from a confusing and random username or one that is too suggestive and stick with something simple and straightforward, like your name or your favorite sports team.

6. Know your limits: Limit yourself in every aspect. First, don’t share too much information. Your date doesn’t need to know every detail about your ex-boyfriend. And, of course, don’t overindulge. Drinking too much makes you a sloppy date and will likely end the night early.

7. Keep it on the DL: A 5-star restaurant probably isn’t the best idea for a first date, never mind a blind date. Skip the luxury and head out to a café or a free concert in the park so you don’t have to spend money on someone you’ll never see again.

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8. Utilize multiple sites: The best way to find the perfect guy is to widen your scope. Make multiple profiles, mixing free sites like OKCupid or Zoosk with paid memberships on sites like and to give yourself a bigger population to pick from.

9. Don’t talk for too long: While you want to get a good idea of a guy before you date him, try to limit your messaging to about five days before you establish a place to meet. Any longer than that, and he may grow bored with the chitchat and move on. Remember — you’re both still actively looking for a partner.

10. Relax: The biggest date-killer is your own lack of confidence. Stop worrying about having the perfect night and instead walk into your date with your mind set on having fun. Once you stop focusing on everything that can go wrong, you can start focusing on everything that’s going right.

How have you succeeded in online dating? Share your tips with us in the comments.