Wacky Real Housewives of DC couple Michaele and Tareq Salahi, known for questionably attending the White House State Dinner, have filed for bankruptcy yet again.  Their company, America’s Polo Cup Inc., went under late last month, according to RadarOnline.  Tareq Salahi was president of the company that currently owes $320,000 to a catering company that has sued for non-payment, reports the Northern Virginia Daily.  Tareq was also the president of Oasis Winery, which went into bankruptcy last year.  It looks like the Salahi’s are not having good luck in the business world lately!How do you support a partner who isn’t good with money matters?
Cupid’s Advice:
Money is one of the worst relationship killers. Â Cupid has some advice on how to deal with your partner’s not-so-frugal ways:
1. Talk about it: It’s important to discuss what both you and your partner value when it comes to your finances. Â Serious talks about money are far from romantic, but it’s best to get it over with so that financial issues won’t haunt your romance down the line.
2. Budget: Working with your partner to realistically plot out your expenses is absolutely necessary. Â Being surprised by a sudden lack of money is never a good thing. Sometimes luxurious candle light dinners or expensive vacations will have to been put aside, but in the scheme of things, it’s better than being broke!
3. Work together: Maybe you’ve discovered that your partner is not as good with handling money as you are. Â Take charge! Â Let that be a contribution to the strength of your relationship. Â Just because your partner isn’t great with finances doesn’t mean he or she doesn’t have plenty of other qualities to bring to the table.