Cupid's Pulse Article: Celebrity News: Julianna Margulies Says She’s Glad She Waited to Get MarriedCupid's Pulse Article: Celebrity News: Julianna Margulies Says She’s Glad She Waited to Get Married

By Andrea Surujnauth

Julianna Margulies was surprised to be getting married because she never thought that she was the marrying type, reported People. At the age of 41, she was proposed to by lawyer Keith Lieberthal in 2007. At the time, she was pregnant with their son Kieran, who was born two months later. Now 46, she shares her story in Good Housekeeping‘s May cover story, “I feel very grateful that I had the courage to say no when I did and say yes when I could, that I waited to find the right mate and to have this little family. There’s something about this time in my life where I feel like it’s never going to get better.”

What are some benefits to stepping into marriage slowly?

Cupid’s Advice:

You are excited about being able to tie the knot with that special someone. If you’re so excited, then why wait? Cupid has some reasons why waiting can be better than jumping the broom too quickly:

1. Experience: When you wait to get married, you gain more experience and you get to know what traits you want in a partner and what you don’t want. This way when you’re ready to day “I Do”, you will be sure that the person you are saying it to is really the one for you.

2. Divorce: Getting married young runs a higher risk of ending up in divorce than getting married at an older age. When you’re young, you’re still growing and your aspect of life is still changing so your  likes and dislikes may change.

3. Stability: When you are young, you are just starting off in the business world and you are not completely financially stable. This may cause problems and arguments between you and your partner, especially if you are married. If you wait until you are both financially stable, your life and a married couple will run a lot smoother.

What do you think is a benefit of stepping into marriage slowly? Comment below and let us know!