Cupid's Pulse Article: Celebrity News: Rihanna on Relationship With Chris Brown ‘We’re Adults Now’Cupid's Pulse Article: Celebrity News: Rihanna on Relationship With Chris Brown ‘We’re Adults Now’

By Andrea Surujnauth

According to, Rihanna told Elle that she’s trying to build a friendship with her ex, Chris Brown. It was only four years ago that the Barbados-born beauty was assaulted by Brown. Even so, she said,”Now that we’re adults, we can do this right. We got a fresh start, and we’re thankful for that.” The pop star also explained that they’re not looking for an intimate relationship, just a friendship. “Right now, that’s just what we want – a great friendship that’s unbreakable.” Still, Rihanna has big plans for her future. When asked where she thinks she will be in five years, she replied, “I will probably have a kid.”

How can you develop a friendship with your ex?

Cupid’s Advice:

Before becoming friends with your ex-partner, it’s important to take some time to be apart and truly let go of your past love. As impossible as it may seem to be friends, know that it can be done. Here are some tips from Cupid to help you develop a friendship with your ex.

1. Be sure: First, it’s best to think about whether or not you’re ready to be friends with your ex. Think about the reasons for your breakup. Was your ex the type of person to use you or hurt you? Also think about whether or not you still have feelings for your ex. Will having them in your life make it difficult for you to move on? You don’t want your new friendship to be a toxic part of your life.

2. Be patient: If your ex is not completely over your breakup, they might not be ready to become friends. Respect their feelings, give them time and don’t get frustrated. Continue to be nice to them and show them that you mean well.

3. Communicate: Don’t expect that they will automatically be calling you and asking you to hang out every weekend. Do you really want to see them that often anyways? If you want to develop a friendship, then you should be the one to pick up the phone and set some plans.

How did you develop a friendship with your ex? Comment below and let us know!