Cupid's Pulse Article: Ben Affleck Wins Best Picture at the Oscars and Thanks Wife Jennifer GarnerCupid's Pulse Article: Ben Affleck Wins Best Picture at the Oscars and Thanks Wife Jennifer Garner

By Andrea Surujnauth

Ben Affleck won Best Picture at the Oscars this year and thanked his wife, Jennifer Garner, profusely during his acceptance speech. According to, Affleck thanked everyone that worked on the film and acknowledged his fellow nominees then began thanking his wife. “It’s work, but it’s the best work there is” he said of his relationship. He also shared a loving kiss with his wife before getting up to receive his award. These lovebirds were married in 2005. They have three children together,  Violet, 7, Seraphina, 4, and Samuel, 11 months.

What are some ways to show appreciation for your partner’s support?

Cupid’s Advice:

Your partner has always been there for you and supports you through everything that you do. How do you show them your appreciation? Here’s how:

1. Thank them: Saying thank you can go a long way. Acknowledging the fact that your partner supports you will let them know that their support makes a difference in your life, which is exactly what they will be hoping for.

2. Creative thank you’s: Get your partner a thank you present. Giving your sweetheart a present out of the blue just to say thank you will make them feel just how much you appreciate them.

3. Reciprocate: Support your partner just as much as they support you. It feels good to know that your loved one supports you so show them what that feels like just like they do for you.

How do you show your partner that you appreciate the support that they give you? Share your ideas below.