Cupid's Pulse Article: Rihanna Is Attacked by Angry Fan Upset with Chris Brown ReunionCupid's Pulse Article: Rihanna Is Attacked by Angry Fan Upset with Chris Brown Reunion

By Andrea Surujnauth

On February 16th, Rihanna was seen leaving a club called The Box in London with a bloody knee. According to, an angry fan threw a can of British energy drink, Lucozade, at the singer. The culprit was screaming at Rihanna about her relationship with Chris Brown. It seems as though some of Rihanna’s fans are not too thrilled about her on-again, off-again relationship with Brown. Rihanna, however, did not seem to be bothered by the incident. The next morning she tweeted her reaction to seeing herself being compared to Princess Diana in a UK’s Sunday Times paper. Her tweet stated, “Just so happens I came home drunk to this in a pile of papers outside my  hotel room! My lil Bajan behind, never thought these many people would even know my  name, now it’s next to Princess Diana’s on the front of a newspaper! Life can be such a beautiful thing when you let it be #yourejealous.”

What do you do if your friends don’t support your relationship?

Cupid’s Advice:

So your friends do not approve of your new beau. What should you do? Should you take sides? Don’t worry, Cupid is here with some advice for you:

1. Have your friends explain: Ask your friends why they do not approve of your relationship. See if their reasoning is legitimate. They may have a point. Let them explain to you what problems and concerns they have with your relationship.They love you and they want to make sure you are happy. If you realize that their reasoning is legitimate, then you should re-evaluate your relationship.

2. Now you explain to them: After you listened to their reasoning and you don’t find it to be fair or legitimate, then explain to them that although your relationship has ups and downs, you are happy. Tell them that if they love you then they should be happy for you too. If they continue to bash your beau, then it may be time to re-evaluate the friendship.

3. Get the two together: Once your friend has accepted the fact that you love your sweetie and you are happy, get your friend and your partner together. Let your friend see they amazing things about your sweetheart that made you fall in love in the first place. Show your friend how happy the two of you are together. After seeing this, your friend will realize how great your relationship and won’t have to worry anymore.

What would you do if your friends did not approve of your relationship? Comment below and let us know.