Cupid's Pulse Article: Pro Matchmaker Says Kristen Stewart and Rob Pattinson Will Marry in a YearCupid's Pulse Article: Pro Matchmaker Says Kristen Stewart and Rob Pattinson Will Marry in a Year

By Jennifer Ross

Millionaire Matchmaker Patti Stanger knows a good love match when she sees one and she sees one in Hollywood couple Kristen Stewart and Rob Pattinson. Recently, at an Music Party, Stanger told, “I love the fact that [Robert Pattinson] let [Kristen Stewart] apologize and that she owned up to her mistake. Let’s see if they can heal each other and if they can get married in the next year and a half.” Although most of America thought their love fiasco may have been a publicity stunt for the Twilight Saga movie, Stanger actually saw a heartbroken Pattinson and a remorseful Stewart. “I think it’s for real because I really think he had a broken heart, I think he really cried his eyes out and I think she really regretted what she did.” When it comes to cheating, Stanger believes in forgiveness. “She’s human and they’re young. We make mistakes like that and nobody calls them out. They make mistakes and it’s like the end of the world.”

What are some signs that you’ve found the person you’re going to marry?

Cupid’s Advice:

How can you tell if your partner is “the one?” Ultimately, that is a big question you will have to answer on your own. However, that doesn’t mean there aren’t clues to guide you. Of all the many possible reasons to doubt a relationship, here are three conclusive signs that you are on the road to marriage:

1. Comfortable: A relationship should not be a painful chore and neither should hanging out with your partner. A lazy day with your soul mate should be like a cozy pair of pajamas — very comfortable and relaxing. This is the type of person you will want by your side when you grow old.

2. “We” terms: As you live in a world of individuality, being in a relationship with “the one” puts everything in a different perspective. Your days of thinking in terms of “me, my and I” evolve into “we, ours, and us.” You can naturally think of you two as a unit.

3. Protection: A sign that you are with your future spouse is that not only do you two protect each other from harm, but you also protect each other from the ability to let your individuality decline. Many relationships become so intertwined that each person loses their own sense of self. If not protected, this will only cause havoc and pain between you.

How did you know you had found the right person to marry? Share with us below.