Cupid's Pulse Article: Cheryl Burke Says She May Be the Next ‘Bachelorette’Cupid's Pulse Article: Cheryl Burke Says She May Be the Next ‘Bachelorette’

By Jennifer Ross

Cheryl Burke is on the hunt for love and she is not afraid to have an audience along for her journey. The DWTS: All Stars professional dancer has told that she has met with the TV executives of the ABC’s the Bachelorette and the discussion was about her being the next contestant. “There hasn’t been a firm offer, but if they offer it to me I would love to do it,” Burke, 28, said. So why hasn’t this single gal found Mr. Right? According to Burke, her hectic schedule keeps her secluded and unable to meet different potentials. “I’m around the same people all the time, I’ve been on this show for nearly a decade.”

What are some non-traditional ways to meet ‘the one’?

Cupid’s Advice:

With technology constantly changing, the ways of traditionally meeting people are not as effective as before. Although getting to know someone can be very enjoyable, the process of finding that stranger can be a tedious chore in itself. Why not better your odds with each attempt? Here are a few ways to meet that special someone in a more un-traditional setting:

1. Volunteering: Depending on the non-profit organization you sign up for, most of them have several personality type men and women to choose from. Whether it’s cooking at a soup kitchen or hammering at a building site, you are doing a good deed and possibly receiving a dinner date simultaneously. Best thing of all, the men and women volunteering usually have something that you hardly find drunk at a night club — good values.

2. Chatting while traveling: One place you are sure to run into potential mates is in public transportation. Just think about all the charming people you passed up this morning while on a bus, subway, train or airplane. Depending on your travel time, you can strike up an easy conversation about what else…traveling. Didn’t find any great prospects partners? There’s always tomorrow morning’s commute.

3. Hot Spots: If you are very particular about the type of potential partner, try searching for them at their hot spots. For someone intelligent and ambitious, check out the local Fortune 500 companies. For someone athletic, hit the neighborhood gyms. Finally, visit your local Apple store for techies of all kinds. No matter what type you prefer, there’s a hot spot for every hottie.

What non-traditional method did you use to meet your soul mate? Tell us below.