Cupid's Pulse Article: Matthew Fox Says He’s Never Hit a Woman, Despite RumorCupid's Pulse Article: Matthew Fox Says He’s Never Hit a Woman, Despite Rumor

By Jennifer Ross

After a difficult year for Matthew Fox and rumors spreading all over the place, he is ready to set the record straight. According to People, in his interview with Men’s Fitness, the former Lost actor speaks about the false accusation of hitting a woman in Cleveland. “That I beat a woman in Cleveland when in fact I was assaulted by a man and did nothing but retaliate against him? …I have never hit a woman before. Never have, never will.” One thing Fox, 46, does admit to is his DUI this past May and his resulting sentence. “I did my four Sundays of group informational treatment… I will bet you any amount of money that I will never get behind the wheel of a car after even one drink.”

What do you do if your partner begins being abusive?

Cupid’s Advice:

Abuse in any relationship begins slowly and comes in all forms besides physical. You can be emotionally, mentally and/or economically abused. Because of this, some victims may not become aware till it’s too late. Once you know, you must act. Here are a few things you can do to help yourself:

1. Make the decision: When a victim realizes they are being abused, a tendency may be to ignore it. This will only make your situation worse. Be real with yourself and make the decision to stop being abused. The decision, you can control.

2. Know you can’t fix him: Often times, you may believe that your partner abuses you because of something you did wrong. You are not the problem. Therefore, you cannot fix your mate by saying or doing what he says. Only he can change himself.

3. Get help: Regardless of what you have said or done, there really is not a good reason when it’s okay for your partner to punish you. When you don’t feel strong enough to help yourself, ask for help from someone…anyone. Call a friend, a neighbor, a cop, a hotline. Just call someone.

Have you ever been in an abusive relationship? How did you handle it? Share your story below.