Cupid's Pulse Article: Dating Terminators: Dating Habits to AvoidCupid's Pulse Article: Dating Terminators: Dating Habits to Avoid

By Matt Fuller

Sometimes, and your date may not even realize it, their bad habits could be unknowingly ruining your time together. If you know you have some undesirable habits, make sure you keep these in check on a first date. Fancy dating a girl whose eyes looked like a raccoon? Well, it’s called makeup over-kill. It might suit Avril Lavigne, but to the ordinary person, over-doing the makeup smells of insecurity and desperation. Here are a few more dating terminators that you may want to take into consideration before you make a fool of yourself on your next date:

1. Being late. It seems like this wouldn’t need to be mentioned, but you’d be surprised. Turning up late especially on the first date is just uncool. If you get off on the wrong foot at the beginning, chances are you’ll be fighting an uphill battle the entire date. Show a little respect!

Related Link: Male Perspective: Don’t Strike Out on That First Date

2. Remember to close your mouth. There’s something quite repulsive about someone who can’t close their mouth. All they do is talk about themselves and their trail of life’s mishaps. It might be a sign of first date jitters, or they might just have an ego the size of Times Square. So please, let there be some balance in the chit-chat.

Related Link: Five Conversations to Avoid on the First Date

3. Your wondering eye. The thing is, if you’re on a date, your eyes need to be on the other person. If you get caught perving on the waitress, your date will make a run for it before you even have time to say, “Wait!”

4. Don’t be a kiss and tell. This is one of the most common dating terminators. Whatever you do after your date, restrain the urge to go posting your laundry all over Facebook or Twitter. And your friends do not need status updates every five minutes throughout the date. Remember, social media is more powerful than many people realize. And besides that, who really cares what you had for dinner, or what clothes your date wore?

5. Being a Yes man. Having no opinions of your own tells your date you’re a bit wimpy and soft. If your date offers their thoughts about something they’re passionate about, have the balls to offer your own input, but respect their boundaries at the same time. One golden rule: avoid talking about religion and politics at all times on the first date, as it’s the biggest dating terminator of all.

6. Too serious. You’re not at a funeral, so have fun! A recent survey revealed that on average, laughter and good conversation rated far higher in the chemistry department than that of physical traits.

Matt Fuller is the owner of Girls Meet Guys, an online dating site for singles to Meet Singles Online and get dating advice from a variety of girls and guys.