Cupid's Pulse Article: Olympic Figure Skater Michelle Kwan is EngagedCupid's Pulse Article: Olympic Figure Skater Michelle Kwan is Engaged

By Erin Minty

Decorated Olympic figure skater Michelle Kwan has another type of decoration to add to her collection–a diamond ring! Michelle Kwan got engaged to her boyfriend Clay Pell, 30, director for strategic planning on the National Security staff at the White House, on September 3rd. The 32-year-old athlete tells People, “It was a simple decision and it made sense, that’s what’s so exciting to me.” Pell proposed on Block Island, off the coast of Rhode Island, after a day on the beach and swimming with the love of his life.

What are some ways to make a marriage proposal exciting?

Cupid’s Advice:

A marriage proposal is probably the most important you will ask (or be asked) in your relationship, so you want to make sure to do it right.  Cupid has some advice on exciting and interesting ways to pop the question:

1. Wait for an unexpected moment: For those who love surprises, a proposal is much more romantic and exciting when it is a complete surprise. Plan yours for a time when your partner will not be expecting it, or somehow fit it in to your partner’s daily schedule so they will be completely shocked

2. Plan an overly romantic night: For those who love the romance films, go overboard and then some with your proposal.  Rent out a restaurant, invite your partner’s family and friends to come, or any other extreme moment that they will never forget.  Pick up some classic romance movies for inspiration.

3. Have a private getaway: For those who like their privacy, plan a romantic getaway to pop the question.  Make sure the two of you are completely alone, and tell your partner all the things you are looking for in your future together before getting down on one knee. This will always be a special memory that only the two of you share.

What made your marriage proposal exciting? Share your story below!