Cupid's Pulse Article: How to Pick a Perfect Gift for Your High School SweetheartCupid's Pulse Article: How to Pick a Perfect Gift for Your High School Sweetheart

By Jon Dawson

Finding the perfect gift for your sweetheart is a challenge. You want to give her something that shows her how much you care, without emptying your wallet. If you need a little guidance on how to find a great affordable gift, you can’t go wrong with these ideas:

Related Link: Nine Gift Ideas for the Frugalista


Jewelry does not have to be an expensive pair of diamond earrings. You can purchase a charm bracelet, stud earrings or a similar item at a local retailer for less than $20. Without spending a lot of money, you can give your girlfriend a gift that complements her style and makes her smile.

Related Link: Engagement Rings of the Rich and Famous

Personalized Playlist

Does your special someone have an MP3 player? Consider creating a personalized playlist of songs that mean something to you as a couple. Because songs are just a dollar or so apiece to download, you can make this gift fit your budget, yet it will be meaningful as your sweetheart will have something to remember you by every time he or she turns on some tunes.

Moonlit Walk in the Park

Many high schoolers dismiss parks as unexciting places filled with playground equipment that they have long since outgrown, but nothing says romance like strolling in the moonlight, hand in hand. Take a turn on the swings to show your sweetie your playful side, or just lie side-by-side on the ground and look at the stars.

Write a Letter or Poem

Written mementos of your affection are something your boyfriend or girlfriend will treasure forever. While writing a love letter may not seem overly important to you, it will mean the world to the recipient. Of course, the best part about this gift is the cost — unless you need to buy stationary, it’s free! All it takes is a little effort and creativity, and you have a winning gift.

Lotion or Body Spray

Do you know your honey’s favorite scent? If you do, pick up some lotion or body spray in that scent when the next gift-giving opportunity arises. If you have the money for the fancy stuff, then that’s nice, but the great thing about giving the gift of lotion or body spray is that the generic, store brand stuff usually smells pretty good, too.

It may be the thought that counts, but when you are buying something for your sweetheart, you need to make sure it is meaningful and conveys your feelings well. Gift giving is not an exact science. You have to know the person you are buying for to find the perfect gift, but each of these options is a good choice if your funds are limited, but you still want a meaningful gift.

Jon knows what it’s like to try and find just the perfect gift. He’s always on the lookout, and shares his findings and musings over the web. His most recent find was, a great venue for unique men’s and women’s gifts.