Cupid's Pulse Article: Olympian Ryan Lochte Says He’s ‘Always Looking’ for the Perfect GirlCupid's Pulse Article: Olympian Ryan Lochte Says He’s ‘Always Looking’ for the Perfect Girl

By Jessica Nappi

Step aside Michael Phelps; after winning five medals at the London Olympics, Ryan Lochte has become one of the world’s most eligible bachelors. Over the weekend, Lochte headed to Vegas where he told People, “I’m always looking for the perfect girl. Now that I’m older, I’m looking to settle down a bit.” For Lochte, the perfect girl starts with a sense of humor. “Anyone that can make me smile and make me laugh, that’s the key to my heart,” he said. Ladies, are you writing this down?

How do you know when your dating standards are unreasonable?

Cupid’s Advice:

Everyone has standards when it comes to dating, but having too many restrictions will keep your heart closed off from the world. Here are some ways to know you have gone too far with your standards:

1. You expect perfection: Perfection is a word that has a different specific meaning for everyone, but with the same base understanding; physical beauty accompanied by a good personality. But if your definition of perfection pertains only to certain hair colors, eye colors and body types, you’ve gone too far. You are only limiting yourself if you limit your selection. Physicality can attract you to others, but inner beauty is what sustains relationships.

2. You never go on dates: If you’re constantly looking for the perfect guy and will only go on a date when you think you’ve found him, then your standards are too high. Dating around is a good way to find out what you both want and don’t want in a partner, so don’t sit around and wait for the one.

3.You’re looking for Prince Charming: Chivalry isn’t dead, but it certainly isn’t alive as it once was. So, if your date doesn’t open the door for you or return your glass slipper by the end of the night, it’s not the end of the dating world. If you think it is, your standards are unreasonable and you might’ve read one too many Nicholas Sparks books.

What dating standards do you think are unreasonable? Tell us below.