Cupid's Pulse Article: Justin Theroux Says He’s the ‘Luckiest Guy in the World!’Cupid's Pulse Article: Justin Theroux Says He’s the ‘Luckiest Guy in the World!’

Justin Theroux could not be happier in his current relationship with Jennifer Aniston. “I always go to bed thinking I’m the luckiest guy in the world,” he told Extra. The couple recently went on a romantic vacation to Paris together and where they were spotted linking arms as they walked past the Tuileries Gardens. Although Aniston is known for her rocky relationship past, she insists that Theroux is nothing like Brad Pitt or John Mayer. “The relationship is completely different than the other ones,” Aniston’s friend told “Everything about Justin feels right.”

How do you show appreciation about being happy in a relationship?

Cupid’s Advice: 

1. Speak: You don’t have to constantly tell your man how great he is, but every once in a while let him know how lucky you feel to be in such a great relationship. Remember to always be considerate about the little things, too. Say please and thank you, compliment him when it’s deserved, and tell him you love him every day.

2. Go on dates: Remembering to spend time alone, no matter how busy each of you are, is the most important way to show you care. Go out to eat once in a while or take walks after dinner. Stay connected to each other by separating yourselves from everyone else.

3. Plan a surprise you know he’d like: Is your guy a huge Lakers fan? Get him tickes to the next game! Does he love going to the beach? Make a day of it. Even doing small things like stocking the fridge with his favorite beer or cooking his favorite dinner are great ways to show you care.

How do you show appreciation for your significant other? Share your advice below.