Cupid's Pulse Article: American Idol’s Diana DeGarmo Speaks Out About Her Romance with Ace YoungCupid's Pulse Article: American Idol’s Diana DeGarmo Speaks Out About Her Romance with Ace Young

American Idol alumna Diana DeGarmo is bringing her personal life into the spotlight.  In a recent interview, DeGarmo explained exactly how she bonded with long-term boyfriend Ace Young, a fellow American Idol contestant, reports  “We are best friends!  I truly believe us having been through ‘Idol’ is one of the big reasons as to why we understand each other so well; unless you go through it, you don’t get it,” said DeGarmo.  “We were the first Idols to do a Broadway show together, the first Idols to live together–and the first to write a country song for a soap opera together!”

Is having a lot in common a requirement in a relationship?

Cupid’s Advice:

Though opposites may attract, they do not always stay together.  Here are a few reasons why having a lot in common with your partner makes for a better relationship:

1. Conversation: Especially when you first start dating, having a lot in common makes for easier conversation.  Talk about your favorite places or your mutual love of action movies.

2. Dating: Dating becomes much easier when the two of you have similar tastes.  When you and your partner agree often, there’s usually no need to debate over where to go or what movie to see.

3. Compatibility: If your relationship is getting serious, you may need to discuss long-term goals and plans.  When you have a lot in common with your partner, you may find this discussion easier.

Do you think you should have a lot in common with your partner?  Feel free to leave a comment below.