Cupid's Pulse Article: Prince William and Kate Middleton Adopt a Royal PuppyCupid's Pulse Article: Prince William and Kate Middleton Adopt a Royal Puppy

Prince William and Kate Middleton have acquired a new addition to the family with a new cocker spaniel puppy.  A palace aid confirmed to that the month old pup does belong to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.  The royal couple originally took the cocker spaniel home for a test trial to see if they were ready to be puppy parents, and they instantly fell in love.  They met the pup during Christmastime and quickly decided to keep him with them in the palace.

What are the advantages of raising a pet as a couple?

Cupid’s Advice:

If you don’t have kids and you’re just starting out as a couple, a pet can be a great bonding experience … or it can show you that you’re not with “the one.”  Here are some advantages:

1. Preparation: If you plan on having kids in the future, raising a puppy together is a great way to practice parenthood.

2. Test: Taking care of a new pet is going to test your limits as a couple.  See how well you work as a team with important decisions and sometimes frustrating situations.

3. Closer: Once the adjusting and the adapting is over, you’ll be able to celebrate your accomplishment of a successful parenthood together.

What valuable lessons did having a pet with your partner teach you?  Share your comments below.