Cupid's Pulse Article: Justin Bieber Baby Scandal May Require DNA TestCupid's Pulse Article: Justin Bieber Baby Scandal May Require DNA Test

Justin Bieber might need to offer proof.  The teenage popstar, who is currently dating Selena Gomez, may need to take a court-ordered paternity test in light of 20 year-old Mariah Yeater’s claims that Bieber fathered her child, reports People. Though Bieber denies ever meeting Yeater, her attorneys assure the court that they have credible evidence proving Bieber’s relationship to the child. “The judge has to weigh two things: Bieber’s right to privacy versus the child’s right to know who the father is,” said L.A. family law attorney Steve Mindel. “Unless the judge thinks the woman made everything up, the court will likely order the test as the quickest resolution.”

How do you combat false infidelity rumors when you’re in a relationship?

Cupid’s Advice:

Dealing with false rumors can be difficult and damaging. Here are a few ways to combat the false accusations:

1. Defend yourself: When a false rumor presents itself, deny the rumor. Offer credible evidence in your defense, and prove your innocence.

2. Confront the source: If you know who is spreading the rumors, confront them. Tell the source that you find the remarks hurtful.  Many times the people who start rumors do not realize the effect they will have.

3. Stop reacting: If the above steps prove ineffective, then stop reacting to the rumors. Eventually, the source of the rumors will tire and the false claims will subside.

Have you ever had to deal with false rumors?  Feel free to leave a comment about your experiences below!