Cupid's Pulse Article: Date Idea: Inspire Your Date with ArtCupid's Pulse Article: Date Idea: Inspire Your Date with Art

If you’re tired of heading to the same date place each week, getting in touch with your creative side may be just the thing you need to rekindle (or jump start) your romance.  An art exhibition or museum combines culture with artistic flair and can be very romantic.

If you’re interested in getting hands-on experience, an art class may be the thing you need instead.  Additionally, many pottery studios are open to the public and have ready-made pieces that you can purchase and paint.  Enjoying this with a significant other can make for a fun, hands-on date that will expose the creative side in both of you.

If you’re struggling to find something similar in your area, look at the community section of your paper for local artists showcasing their work.  It’s important to remember that art is subjective and what your partner may like, you may not.  Sharing your perspective is what can deepen your relationship further.

Did you ever get artsy with your honey?  Let us know about it by commenting below!