It may come as no surprise to Real Housewives fans that Taylor and Russell Armstrong have called it quits. After all, the Armstrong couple likened their marriage to a business agreement. The two were going through “huge martial problems related to finances,” an inside source reported to in May. Although they have a five-year-old daughter named Kennedy, they decided that the best decision would be to split. On Friday, they filed for divorce.
What are ways to work on your marriage before calling it quits?
Cupid’s Advice:
It seems like the Hollywood-inspired trend today is to file for divorce when things don’t work out. The roles of husbands and wives in our society has changed over the centuries. Although most of us do make an effort to resolve marital turbulence, it can be tough. Cupid has some tips on how to work out your martial issues:
1. Communicate: Often times, communication is at the heart of relationship problems. The next time you and your spouse start arguing, try to verbalize your points effectively before things get heated. Always focus on the particular situation and, by all means, avoid using phrases like “you always do this.” Stay calm, and try to get to the heart of the issue that’s troubling you.
2. Listen: We often complain that our partners don’t really listen to us, but we could all probably make an effort to be better listeners. When your spouse is mad at you, don’t get defensive or show contempt. Although this may sound silly, take turns rephrasing each other’s points. This will ensure that you both understand where each other’s anger is coming from and allow you to better work through your problems.
3. Consult a counselor: Seeking external help is always a wise step to take before calling it quits. It can be really hard to work through your issues without the aid of a third party. A marital therapist can really help you gain awareness of your communicative difficulties as a couple and give you valuable advice on how to work through your marriage.
Got any tips on alternatives to marital counseling? Share your suggestions below.