Cupid's Pulse Article: Ryan Reynolds Is Dating Charlize TheronCupid's Pulse Article: Ryan Reynolds Is Dating Charlize Theron

New hot couple alert!  Ryan Reynolds, who split from ex-wife Scarlett Johansen last December, has been dating Charlize Theron for months, according to  An insider said, “They’re both career-focused, but not in a crazy way.”  Could Reynolds have found his perfect match?

What do you do if your partner’s career focus is becoming too obsessive?

Cupid’s Advice:

Ryan Reynolds and Charlize Theron may be equally career-driven, but sometimes in relationships, one partner may find the other partner a little too focused on work. How can you handle your partner when their motivation to work hard turns into an addiction and their entire life is centered around work? Cupid has some advice:

1. Accept your partner: It’s important to remember that you can’t change your partner. If work is central to his or her life, don’t try to make him or her negotiate that. Respect your honey’s priorities and give him or her space.

2. Communicate: So you want to give some needed space, but you also want to let him or her know that his or her career obsession is a problem, because it makes you feel neglected. As long as you put the focus on your feelings and emphasize your desire to spend time with your significant other, he or she shouldn’t get offended.

3. Help him or her relax:When your partner comes home after a hard day at the office, give him or her a soothing massage and allow them to take their mind off serious matters. Let them indulge in a leisurely activity with you.

Got advice on how to deal with a workaholic partner? Share your comments below.