Cupid's Pulse Article: 50 First Worst Dates: Looking for Story SubmissionsCupid's Pulse Article: 50 First Worst Dates: Looking for Story Submissions

Cupid's Pulse Article: 50 First Worst Dates: Looking for Story Submissions

We were contacted about a very cool new book called 50 First Worst Dates.  You know the one.  The kind where his loving and unassuming wife calls in the middle of your dinner even though he said he was never married. Or, the one where he tells you that he’s secretly in love with your best friend and would like you to make an introduction.  Yes, these are real stories!

Maybe it was that first date with a guy who looked 26 in his online profile, but was actually 60.  A first date that was so bad, that staying in and cleaning your bathroom would have been more fun.  You know the pain we’re talking about.

Experienced “worst” daters and first-time authors Rachel Kapor and Andrew Hahn are developing a new book, 50 First Worst Dates and they’re looking for your stories.  Feel free to share your story by submitting the brief details of that first date gone wrong on their website.   If your story is selected you’ll will receive $150.
Just think, some cold hard cash might erase the memory of that traumatizing experience, especially when you’re walking around with a new pair of shoes.

50 First Worst Dates will highlight the greatest romantic blunders of all time, provide an ego boost for the soul and be a reminder to all singles that their dating life could be much worse.

Submit your story now!