Cupid's Pulse Article: Lessons To Learn from Hugh Hefner and Crystal HarrisCupid's Pulse Article: Lessons To Learn from Hugh Hefner and Crystal Harris

By Single City Guy

As we all know, Hugh Hefner has gone through another breakup.  His ex-fiancée, Crystral Harris, dumped Hugh days before their wedding.  Hugh had his reaction to the situation, causing everyone to laugh and then sympathize.  For a man who started an empire based on beautiful women, it’s hard to believe he still hasn’t found “the one.”  In honor of the Hef, here are three lessons we can learn from the now-ended relationship:

Don’t Give Up Everything Unless It’s Worth It

Crystal Harris came into the light after the reign of Hef’s ex-girlfriends Holly Madison, Bridget Marquardt and Kendra Wikinson, the original Girls Next Door.  This also comes after Holly and Hugh’s relationship (a whole other drama-filled story, which we won’t get into).  Originally, Crystal wasn’t alone, as she filled the role of the head girl, paired with twin sisters.  Eventually, Hef gave up the twins to focus all of his attention on Crystal.  While giving up extra girlfriends isn’t exactly what I’d call noble, Hugh was willing to give up a part of his lifestyle to please the one he loved.  Everyone has done this at some point in their lives.  We’ve given up something we’re used to in order to appease another.

Before making sacrifices, here are two questions you should ask yourself: 1) Is he or she worth it? and  2) What is he or she giving up?

Know What You’re Getting Into

I’m often surprised by the breakup stories that I hear.  It seems that a lot of them stem from one member of the couple thinking that the other should make drastic changes for him or her.  The thing is, if you’re a Boston Red Sox fan and you fall in love with a New York Yankees fan, he or she isn’t going to change team allegiance just because of you.  You have two choices when it comes to a relationship: either accept who someone is, for what they are, or don’t date them!

When Crystal Harris told People, “It doesn’t make sense to have so many women around, but still have a marriage,” she has a very valid point!  If she were talking to any other guy, but Hugh Hefner, I would agree with her statement 100 percent.  However, Hugh had been living the same lifestyle for a long time prior to meeting Crystal.  She knew his style before getting married, but chose to ignore it until the last possible moment.

When Life Gives You Lemons, Find A New Date

At 85, you would think a guy would give up on finding new women in his life. Not Hugh Hefner. It’s the reason every guy admires him and hopes to be just like him. In the last six years, Hugh has had six different girlfriends, and according to reports, is on girlfriend number seven. The lesson here is, when everything is down and out, try, try, again.

Single City Guy is a 30-something blogger, from New York City, who writes about dating in the city from the male perspective. Having started the blog in his late twenties, Single City Guy is written a way to help bridge the gap that existed for male dating advice, while providing a male voice in the world of dating blogs.