Cupid's Pulse Article: Prince William and Kate Aspire For The Simple LifeCupid's Pulse Article: Prince William and Kate Aspire For The Simple Life

The Duchess of Cambridge has decided not to employ a housekeeper-dresser in order to live a simple royal and married life.  According to People, Kate’s chief aide said that she initially planned to hire a joint housekeeper and dresser for her apartment with Prince William in London’s Kensington Palace but now feels she doesn’t need one.  Jamie Lowther-Pinkerton, the royal couple’s private secretary, told reporters the household will be reassessing what they need.  However, the couple will use the staff at the residences of where they’ll visit on their North American tour.  Additionally, Kate is taking hairdresser James Pryce to California during her visit.

What are ways to have a simple life with your partner?

Cupid’s Advice:

Living a lavish life is fabulous, but a having simple life can be just as fabulous.  Here are some ways to live a simpler life with your partner:

1. Do your own chores: Instead of relying on a maid, make a list of chores you and your partner should complete each week.  This way, you and your partner will both contribute to your household, and in turn, your marriage.

2. Keep a budget: Manage your finances and avoid purchasing items you both don’t need.  After all, that’s what a wedding registry is for!

3. Walk instead of drive: Instead of buying two cars for yourself and your significant other, try to live close to your work place and/or stores you frequently visit.  This way, you can take public transportation to get to your destination or take a nice walk – together.

Have any suggestions on how to live a simple life after marriage?  Share your comment below.