Cupid's Pulse Article: Social One’s Dating Dos and Don’tsCupid's Pulse Article: Social One’s Dating Dos and Don’ts

Cupid's Pulse Article: Social One’s Dating Dos and Don’tsSummer marks the beginning of a very active dating season for many flocking outdoors ready to shake their cabin fever.  And for those who feel their courting skills might just need a bit of sharpening, Chicago singles event service, Social One, has developed an authoritative list of the dos and don’ts of dating.

“Social One is the original dating technology,” said owner Mary Vallone in a statement.  “We know that the most effective way to meet that special someone is to get out from behind your computer and into the real world.  That’s why Social One produces more than 30 events each month geared at getting together singles with similar interests.”  Without further adieu, the Social One dos and don’ts of dating are:


1. Do notice something positive about your date (nice hair or outfit) and compliment them on it.

2. Do pull a woman’s chair out and open the car door; chivalry is NOT dead.

3. Do have a couple of topics (current events; travel experiences) in mind in case the conversation falls into one of those awkward silences.

4. Do keep up with current events so you can talk intelligently about major developments.

5. Do wear sexy underwear (even if they don’t see it, you’ll know you have it on; you’d be surprised how it perks up your attitude).

6. Do put all your past relationships and dating disasters behind you; a first date should be about getting to know each other, not drudging up the past.

7. Do SMILE; sounds basic, but a positive attitude goes a long way.

8. Do know what you want, but keep it within reason: if you’re Jewish and you want to marry a nice Jewish girl, great.  But a nice Jewish girl with red hair from Highland Park who likes dogs and works as an interior designer might be too persnickety.

9. Do follow up; if you had a good time and you have a phone number, use it!


1. Don’t be late; it sends the message that your date isn’t important.

2. Don’t wear too much makeup, perfume or cologne; what are you hiding?

3. Don’t ask pointedly personal questions like “How much can a partner at your law firm expect to make?” or “How many lovers have you had?”

4. Don’t follow “The Rules” version of dating (i.e. waiting three days to return calls, refusing Saturday dates if he calls after Wednesday, or any other game strategy).

5. Don’t talk to much: rambling on and talking “at” someone kills the experience and alienates people; your goal is to listen, ask questions and do roughly 50 percent of the talking.

6. Don’t take on a negative line of conversation: when talking about yourself, keep it positive; stick to your best attributes; and remember, anything you say negatively about anyone else reflects negatively on you.

7. Don’t just find the next compatible person and settle down; the experience of going out with different people will tell you about what’s important to you and will allow you to powerfully choose the right partner.

Social One is the original dating technology based on the human operating system and offers a calendar of events that range from skiing to wine tasting, river rafting to theatre going, for singles.  Social One provides real ingredients for real people and makes dating simple.   Social One is based in Chicago, Ill., with offices in Indianapolis, Ind. and Los Angeles and Costa Mesa, Calif.