Cupid's Pulse Article: Kourtney Kardashian Says Kim Is Herself Around Kris HumphriesCupid's Pulse Article: Kourtney Kardashian Says Kim Is Herself Around Kris Humphries

It looks like Kim Kardashian, who recently got engaged to New Jersey Nets star Kris Humphries, has her sister Kourtney’s blessing.  Kourtney Kardashian told People that Kim and Kris are perfect together.  “He fits in [with the family] already.  I think they’re just themselves, and I think that’s the most important thing,” said Kardashian.  “Kim is totally herself in front of him.  Everything is easy, comfortable, no stress.”

How can you keep your relationship stress-free?

Cupid’s Advice:

When it’s easy to be yourself around your partner, you know the relationship is right.  Cupid has some tips on how to make sure it stays effortless:

1. No drama: If your mate makes a big deal out of the smallest issues, talk to him or her about it.  Sure, relationships take hard work, but you don’t need unnecessary drama.

2. Have fun: When things get heavy, go out and forget about it for awhile.  If you and your significant other can have fun together no matter what, the stress will melt away.

3. Let your guard down: It may be difficult, but if you want to be able to be yourself around your sweetie, you need to stop acting so perfect.  By showing you have flaws, you’ll grow closer and more comfortable with each other.

What do you do to keep your relationship uncomplicated? Share your comments below.