Cupid's Pulse Article: Relationship Advice: Susan Trombetti Talks Love & Dating Amid COVID-19Cupid's Pulse Article: Relationship Advice: Susan Trombetti Talks Love & Dating Amid COVID-19

Interview by Lori Bizzoco. Written by Ellie Rice.

Not only is Susan Trombetti one of the leading celebrity matchmakers in the country, but she is also a relationship expert and CEO of Susan has been featured on Doctor Oz, HLN, Fox, ABC, NBC, ABC, Cosmopolitan, NYPost, Washington Post, Today, and Bravo just to name a few. With years of experience and successful matches under her belt, Susan is the go-to gal for those looking for love.

In our exclusive relationship expert interview, Susan gives relationship advice on all things love and dating in the midst of COVID-19.

Can you tell us a little bit about your background and how you got into the world of matchmaking? 

I used to be an investigator liquidating fraudulent portfolios for credit cards. It’s kind of like being a PI without the license. PI’s investigate domestic situations and individuals whereas I worked for banks and it was considered more financial, but the skill set is the same. Friends and acquaintances would ask me to do PI types of things as little favors. This little old lady asked me to find the love of her life that she met during the war in Paris from when she was 19. I found him that night and reconnected them only to find he had never married and she was the only woman in his life ever. Later, I was thinking if I could find people, I could find matches and turned towards starting a matchmaking company using my experience to conduct my own background checks and investigations. I now do upscale matchmaking and a little service I like to call Investigate Your Date! It’s both set of skills in one business.

How has the Coronavirus already affected the dating game and how do you think it will affect it in the coming months?

Well, you wouldn’t believe it, but more people are going back to their exes for the wrong reasons! Also, more relationships are actually launching because it has deepened communication, helping people ignite that spark since they are forced to connect and be creative.

At home isolation seems to be the new norm for the time being, how can couples who have never been home together for extended periods of time navigate through this?

Couples can maintain their bond by stating clear boundaries for their need for space for starters. It’s like sorting out the times you will connect, the times you need to work individually, or even just have alone time. Scheduling that special couple time is important, too, because it gives you a sense of structure to the day for those who aren’t used to working out of your home.

Just be respectful of each other. For example, I tend to be a slob, so I need to be aware of keeping a communal space neat.

Be aware of your personal hygiene. It’s easy to sit around in your sweats and not take a shower, but you need to change your clothes, shower, brush your teeth and maintain like normal.

Have appointed meal times together, or exercise times together. Come back together for dinner and go for a walk with the dog together.

Allow each other use of the TV and don’t hog the remotes. It’s okay to say this is my show, and I would like to watch this for me time right now alone.

Watch a movie together. Just because you can’t go to the movies doesn’t mean you can’t watch the early releases of movies that were coming to theaters but are now on your screen.

Play music together or watch some of these performers that are putting on shows in their home. They are free concerts in your living room!! It’s great and you both should enjoy your favorite artist right now.

Related Link: Travel Tips: Traveling During the Coronavirus Outbreak 

What advice do you have for our single readers? Should they be putting love “on hold” because of social distancing ?

There is no time like the present to make a love connection. It’s times like this when people realize what’s important in a relationship. As a single, you need to never put love on hold unless you are currently working on making yourself a better catch by healing a broken heart or something like that. You aren’t holding on love because of social distancing, you just aren’t able to meet up and socialize at bars and restaurants. In a lot of cases, you can’t meet in person. There are still many ways to connect thanks to technology. Never forget, you can still fall in love during this time and it ups the anticipation, making it more exciting for when you do see each other.

How can people make events like birthdays and anniversaries special during this time?

Birthdays and anniversaries can still be special. You have to have virtual celebrations and actually show your love via the phone or face time. It all comes down to creativity and technology. You can put off a party if need be. Lot’s of states are going to lock downs at this point, but some you can still get together using social distancing. I witnessed a drive up birthday parade yesterday for a little girl on the news. She sat there with a few members of her family as the parade of decorated cars came buy giving her gifts and candy. It all comes down to creativity.

For those in new relationships, should they be together now or stay their distance? 

I think a lot of it depends on your state regulations at this time. If you need to be on lock down— which are a lot of states at this point— then you need to wait. I still think you should wait for safety anyway. Better to be safe than sorry. You can still have virtual dates.

Related Link: Relationship Advice: Heidi Klum & Tom Kaulitz Survival Strategies For The Home Front 

How will relationships sustain not being able to physically be together? 

It remains to be seen the impact, but I think they will fare well due to the deepened communication and heightened sense of anticipation. It’s like a game of “who did the wheel stop on when you were told you had to social distance more?”. It gives you more of a chance at developing something with them because it was the last person you were dating or interested in.

What milestones within a relationship are being affected due to the Coronavirus?

It’s more like “Which milestones aren’t being impacted due to the coronavirus?” From the meeting of the parents, to date night, to sleep overs and establishing yourself as a couple, to weddings. It’s all impacted. There are people that are having babies without their spouse in the hospital.

How would you recommend reestablishing your commitment and feelings toward your partner? 

Using the suggestions above for navigating this time as a couple will work well to keep you bonded. You can also have a talk about your hopes and dreams as well as have a state of your union talk!

Are there any additional thoughts or points you would like to make about the current relationship and dating environment? 

There are more people out there now with their mind on love than a month ago. Interest in dating isn’t slowing down, and neither should you. People are home and not as focused on work, so find your person. Your in-person date might be delayed, but I am sure they will be worth the wait. At the end of the decade, I said that first dates at the coffee shop were out and virtual dates were in. This just cemented it right here. Happy dating.

Want to keep up with Susan? You can head to Exclusive Matchmaking or follow her on Twitter!