By Emily Green
In the latest celebrity news, Camila Cabello opened up about her struggles with anxiety throughout her childhood, according to Cabello posted on her Instagram about how she never wanted to sing in front of friends and family as a child, and would instantly tear up if anyone watched or listened to her singing.
In celebrity news, Camila Cabello opened up about her own struggles with anxiety throughout her childhood. What are some tips to help deal with anxiety?
Cupid’s Advice:
Many people deal with anxiety throughout their lives, some people more severely than others. Anxiety is not an easy thing to overcome in any sense, but there are many things that can help make those with anxiety’s lives a bit easier. Here are some of Cupid’s tips to help deal with anxiety:
1. Meditation: Believe it or not, meditation helps calm anxiety so much. Even if it is just 15 minutes a day, take that time to sit by yourself, focus on your breathing, and relax. The more often you do it, the more you can practice these techniques in your day to day life.
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2. Yoga: Anxiety can leave people feeling tense and full of stress. Try out some yoga, and focus on the parts that feel most tense when you’re anxious. It can help you feel more at peace in your life, and relax a bit more in anxious settings.
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3. Therapy: Therapy can help with anxiety in more ways than one. You can narrow down the root of your anxiety, and what exactly your triggers are. By talking out your anxiety with someone, you can work out a plan to make anxiety less of an issue in your personal life.
What are some other tips to help deal with anxiety? Let us know in the comments below!