Cupid's Pulse Article: Parenting Advice: Ways to Cope With The Terrible TwosCupid's Pulse Article: Parenting Advice: Ways to Cope With The Terrible Twos

By Ivana Jarmon

Welcome to the terrible twos: a time when your once cute-as-a-button baby becomes a living nightmare. Your child may present with the following symptoms: temper tantrums, screaming, kicking and biting, fighting with siblings, total meltdowns and their vocabulary being dominated with the single word “no!” But don’t worry! The terrible twos are a time of rapid growth- mentally, socially and physically. It’s a time when toddlers begin to develop their sense of self and start to want to do things for themselves. This trying time will pass, and while there is no quick fix for unwanted toddler behavior, you can take steps to help things go more smoothly when the terrible twos begin. Here are some parenting tips on ways to survive the terrible twos.

Parenting Advice: Check out our parenting advice on ways to cope with the terrible twos.

1. Give them responsibility: At the age of two, your toddlers are developing their senses of self. A two-year-old can do a lot around the house: pick up their toys, empty their plate, and set the table. By giving them mini chores, this will help them build their confidence and will show that you trust them.

Related Link: Parenting Advice: How To Get Your Child Back On The Right Track

2. Consequences: A child going through the terrible twos is constantly testing limits. No parent likes to give out a punishment, but consequences are a way to show your child that there are expectations, and that if they’re not met there will be trouble.

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3. Patience: As a society, we don’t like to wait for anything, and we especially don’t like waiting for a difficult situation to get better. A child going through the terrible twos is going through so many psychological and physical changes that they have a right to go a little crazy. As their parent or guardian, this means recognizing that and giving them the opportunity to pass through this stage without getting angry all the time. It’s easier said than done, because it’s very hard when a child is constantly having tantrums or fighting you on everything. Getting angry will only make things worse and will escalate the situation. So, take a deep breath and respond; don’t react.

What is some parenting advice on how to cope with the terrible twos? Share your thoughts below.