Cupid's Pulse Article: Celebrity News: Britney Spears ‘Won’t Allow’ Kevin Federline to Take Advantage of Her During Child Support BattleCupid's Pulse Article: Celebrity News: Britney Spears ‘Won’t Allow’ Kevin Federline to Take Advantage of Her During Child Support Battle

By Carly Horowitz

What does Kevin Federline want to do with the $40,000 child support money he is requesting from Britney Spears? Spears believes it is not because he needs more help supporting their celebrity children, Sean Preston and Jayden James. She is positive that she already supplies enough money to do so. According to, a source reveals, “They believe this is nothing but a shameless money grab. Kevin hasn’t had a full-time job in a long time. He just continues to sponge off Britney.” This former celebrity couple were wed in October 2004, but went through their divorce three years later. In other celebrity news, Spears’ father is making moves on ending the court-approved conservatorship. This has been in effect since 2008 after Spears had her public mental breakdown. Best of luck to them in this process!

In celebrity news, this child support battle is definitely not resolved yet. What are some ways to keep your children happy during a custody or child support disagreement?

Cupid’s Advice:

When going through legal disagreements with your ex-partner, it is important to still keep your children’s best interests in mind. It is easy to become consumed in all of the stress that is being caused by things that are over their head. Hopefully these tips will serve well in keeping your children happy during these taxing times:

1. Get your feelings out somewhere else: It is perfectly normal to be upset and angry when disagreements are occurring. You don’t have to completely shut down your feelings because you want to look put-together in front of your kids. Rather, get your feelings out to a therapist or close friend so that you don’t feel the need to vent to your children.

Related Link: Celebrity News: Britney Spears Is ‘Angry’ At Child Support Battle with Kevin Federline

2. Apologize if you do slip up: We are not asking you to be perfect. You may have a slip up in front of your children which may cause them to be upset. Just apologize! This will also teach your children how to deal with conflict and demonstrate that if they mess up, they should apologize. After that, continue to give them the love that they need right now during this time.

Related Link: Celebrity Couple News: Britney Spears Shares Sweet Video With Boyfriend Sam Asghari

3. Give genuine care: A common mistake in situations like this is giving your children material items in hopes that this will make them happy. It may make them joyful for a short period of time, but what really counts is the actual love that you give them. Try not to fill that void by buying your children multiple items. Instead, take them for a walk on the beach and just enjoy this world with them by your side.

What are some other ways to keep your children happy during a custody or child support disagreement? Comment below!