Cupid's Pulse Article: Dating Advice Q&A: How Do I Get My Husband to Disconnect From His Phone?Cupid's Pulse Article: Dating Advice Q&A: How Do I Get My Husband to Disconnect From His Phone?

Question from Rachel S.: My husband is a general manager, so even when he leaves work, he’s still working from his phone. He doesn’t mean to, but lately, he’s been so wrapped in his phone that he ignores me when I talk. He seems genuinely apologetic and interested when I get his attention, but it’s getting it that’s hard. How can I get him to disconnect from his phone at the end of the day?

Technology makes our lives better in so many ways, but it can also be a distraction, especially if you or your partner has trouble unplugging at the end of the work day. Let our relationship experts help by offering their best dating advice for using technology, like your cell phone, in the right way. Learn valuable dating tips from matchmaker Suzanne Oshima and relationship author Robert Manni. Here, they answer your question on how to politely encourage your significant other to disconnect from their phone. Check out their dating advice below!

Dating Advice About Unplugging

Suzanne K. Oshima, Matchmaker: When it comes to technology, its biggest strength is also its biggest weakness: It connects us, but it also disconnects us from the ones that are standing right in front of us. Your husband may not be intentionally trying to hurt or ignore you, but in this age of technology and mobile phones, it’s easy to get lost in multitasking.

My recommendation is to share with him how his constant connection to his phone makes you feel unimportant and disconnected from him. Then, just ask him to put away the phone on date nights so that the two of you can spend quality time together, uninterrupted by a flurry of notifications and messages. It’s the perfect way to reconnect with each other emotionally and romantically after working all day.

Related Link: Dating & Technology Q&A: Is It Weird If He Doesn’t Call Back After a Date?

Robert Manni, Guy’s Guy: It all comes down to communication. In today’s culture, we are are tethered to work 24/7, and you may not be aware of some job pressures your husband is experiencing but not sharing. Getting him to open up about work may be a good way of broaching the phone issue.

Another angle is stressing the positives — how much you and your family value your time with him and how important it is for your husband to invest as much energy in you as he does in his job and his phone. A healthy balance between work and home life is critical to any marriage.

A third, wild-card approach is planning a night planned by you featuring some good old-fashion seduction. If that doesn’t get him to put his phone down, you may have a bigger issue on your hands. Good luck.

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