Cupid's Pulse Article: Celebrity News: A-Rod’s Intelligence is Questioned by Ex-Girlfriend Anne Wojcicki’s MomCupid's Pulse Article: Celebrity News: A-Rod’s Intelligence is Questioned by Ex-Girlfriend Anne Wojcicki’s Mom

By Rachel Sparks

The latest celebrity news is full of low insults and, interestingly, a sincere compliment. Alex Rodriguez has been under fire by celebrity ex Anne Wojcicki’s mom who, in short, called him the dullest lightbulb in the box. According to, Wojcicki’s mom stated that the only thing A-Rod knew how to talk about was baseball. That’s not the impression you want to leave with your future in-laws. Wojcicki’s mom did say that it was clearly evident A-Rod loved her daughter. Jennifer Lopez, now part of one of the hottest celebrity couples with A-Rod, complimented her beau by saying he can conquer anything. So, while you may not watch Big Bang Theory and debate particle theories, at the core, A-Rod is a great guy.

This celebrity news seems a little shallow to us. What are some ways to make a good impression on your partner’s parents? 

Cupid’s Advice:

If you’re trying to build a lasting relationship with your partner, impressing their family will need to be a priority eventually. It’s intimidating. You’re trying to tell the people who love your significant other more than anyone else that you’re deserving. If you’re partner has close relationship to their parents, impressing them, or lack there of, could be detrimental to future movement of your relationship. Read Cupid’s relationship advice to help you put your best face on for that monumental meeting:

1. Act like it’s an interview: because it is. Dress to impress, as they say. Turn off your cell phone, shake hands, stand with confidence and power, and follow common protocols for respect. Be on your best behavior and act like you’re getting a job, because you are. You partner’s parents expect you to take care of their baby (no matter how old they are) so you’re interviewing for the role of supportive partner.

Related Link: Relationship Advice: What to Do If Your Partner’s Family Doesn’t Like You

2. Southern respect: “Sir” and “Ma’am” go a long way. Sure, major cities like New York and Seattle think these terms are out-dated, but they ultimately stand as a sign of respect. Even though we’re all adults, showing respect through the language you use sets the tone for how you’re likely to treat their kid. Plus, you’re impressing your S.O. when you treat their family with respect. Don’t worry, you’ll get rewarded afterwards.

Related Link: Relationship Advice: How to Handle Your Significant Other’s Family

3. Showcase your skills as a partner: We said you’re interviewing, right? Well how better can you interview than by showing off your skills as a partner? Shower your love with affection and admiration. Believe us, this will go very, very far for both your partner and their family.

How do you try to impress the future in-laws? Share your advice below!