Cupid's Pulse Article: Parenting Tips: 5 Tips for Co-ParentingCupid's Pulse Article: Parenting Tips: 5 Tips for Co-Parenting

By Rachel Sparks

As if being a parent isn’t enough stress, actively parenting with an ex can be a high stress situation that seems to have no silver lining. You ended your relationship with that person for a reason, yet you have to find a way to keep things not only civil, but open and respectful for the sake of your child(ren). How can you rock co-parenting as well as celebrity exes like Drew Barrymore and Will Kopelman?

Check out Cupid’s parenting tips for co-parenting like a rockstar!

Cupid’s Advice: 

Remember that even in a marriage, people make sacrifices for their children. Being a parent is about focusing on the needs of your children before your own. Arguments, even among couples living together, should not be in front of children. A lot of the practices you had as a couple parenting together are still the same now that you co-parent with your ex, with a few additions. Here’s our parenting advice:

1. Pick your battles: We’ve all heard this, but it’s worth a reminder. Heck, put a stick note on your mirror with this on it every morning, it’s that good. As much as your ex may grate your nerves, is every battle worth fighting with them? The end goal is the same for everyone, including the children and the exes: everyone wants to have a good time with their family. Is that little insult really worth the fight?

Related Link: Former Celebrity Couple Kate Hudson & Matt Bellamy Reunite for Son’s Birthday

2. Share info about the kids: Too many times one parent stops communicating with the other. Remember even the non-custodial parent wants to know how the kids are doing in school. Share important things like doctor visits, grades, and important dates to ensure both parents know what’s going on with their kids. The children will appreciate it more than they will ever tell you.

3. Don’t use your kids as messengers: Kids shouldn’t be asking who they’re spending the holiday with, if they can get money for school clothes, or if they’re in trouble for their bad grades. Basically, kids shouldn’t be the ones delivering this news. Always communicate with your ex, even if you dread it. Let the kids be kids.

Related Link: Learn How Celebrity Exes Blac Chyna & Rob Kardashian Are Co-Parenting & Working on Themselves

4. Respect the kid’s time: Look, as parents we tend to be pretty nosey. Ultimately, we want to make sure our children are having a good time, but are also safe and learning the best lessons. If you don’t necessarily trust an ex (they are an ex for a reason) it’s normal to want to pry into the time the kids had with their other parent. Don’t. That’s special time they have and that should be respected. If there is anything wrong, more than likely, they will let you know on their own.

5. Single parent means alone time: There’s a lot of challenges to being a single parent. Even if you do remarry, there’s a whole new set of challenges. Co-parenting offers a unique opportunity to have the highly coveted alone time, something so allusive to most parents. Enjoy the precious moments you have to yourself while the kids are with your ex. You will value yourself and your time more, the time you do have with your children, and likely even your ex for allowing you to have time alone.

Whether you’re a novice or have several years of experience at co-parenting, what lessons have you learned? Share your advice below!