Cupid's Pulse Article: Dating Advice: 4 Ways To Make Your Man Happy!Cupid's Pulse Article: Dating Advice: 4 Ways To Make Your Man Happy!

On this week’s episode of Single in Stilettos, founder and matchmaker Suzanne Oshima talks to relationship expert Robert Manni to offer their best dating advice on ensuring your man’s happiness. Find out how you can have an amazing relationship with the following dating tips!

Dating advice that will help you keep your man happy.

1. Men are visual! Whether you like it or not, men are highly in tune with their visual and sexual side. For this reason, a man is happy when you keep up your appearance and the sex life is fresh. This shouldn’t be one-sided however, make sure your man shows you the same courtesy. Just keep up the momentum like it’s a new and exciting relationship.

Related Link: Dating Advice: Maximize Your Online Profile to Attract the Right Man

2. Keep it simple. Try to engage your man’s simpler side. You don’t have to cook or dote on him. You just have to spend time with him and partake in his interests from time to time. Whether that’s sitting home and drinking or going to his favorite restaurant. It doesn’t hurt to share your passions, especially when good food is involved. Who doesn’t like to eat?

Related Link: Dating Advice: Dealing With a Dating Burnout

3. Be supportive. A man needs you to be there for him emotionally, physically and even when he’s pursuing a career. Life is stressful enough, so it’s great to have a partner by your side and vice versa. Find out your man’s dreams, learn about him and find a way to get behind that so you can help him achieve these desires. It means a lot to support a man on his journey.

Related Link: Dating Advice: The 5 Stages of Love and Why Many Stop at Stage 3

4. Learn to forgive. Nobody is perfect, so it’s important to give the benefit of the doubt when things go wrong. Just like you, men make mistakes. For this reason you need to know how to forgive. This doesn’t mean you have to excuse something big like infidelity, but men need guidance to be the best version of themselves. He’ll stumble and fall sometimes, but you can pick him up and make things better.

For more relationship advice videos and additional information Single in Stilettos show, click here.

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