Cupid's Pulse Article: New Celebrity Couple? Rihanna & Hasaan Jameel Have Been ‘Hooking Up for a Few Months’Cupid's Pulse Article: New Celebrity Couple? Rihanna & Hasaan Jameel Have Been ‘Hooking Up for a Few Months’

By Melissa Lee

In celebrity couple news, it has been revealed that Rihanna has been hooking up with businessman Hasaan Jameel for a few months! The two were photographed for the first time in Ibiza in June, where they seemed to look very into one another. According to, the couple was spotted kissing and later getting coffee together on June 26.

Rihanna may be part of a celebrity couple again! What are some ways to know if a new relationship has staying power?

Cupid’s Advice:

New loves are always filled with infatuation and fun-filled moments — but the true test comes in deciding whether or not the relationship has staying power. If this situation sounds familiar to you, Cupid has some advice:

1. Do you work well together?: There’s a difference between a fun little fling and full fledged relationship. Sometimes, it’s better to just keep things casual based on how you two work together. However, if you feel as though you and your new lover work even better as partners, you’ll know if you’ll be able to make a relationship work.

Related Link: Relationship Advice: How Your Excitement Drives Your Expectations

2. Think about your future: In a new relationship, it can be hard to think far in advanced about your future, but it’s important to consider that factor. If you don’t see yourself being with this person even in a few weeks or months, you probably can assume that your relationship won’t last that long.

Related Link: Relationship Advice: Can You Move Too Fast Moving In?

3. Comfort level: Reflect on how this person makes you feel. It’s a great sign if you feel completely comfortable around your love. If you have apprehensions or hesitations regarding this new endeavor, that’s okay, but it’s important to note whether or not they begin to fade or if they continue to prevent your relationship from growing.

What are your tips for deciding whether or not your relationship has staying power? Leave your thoughts below.Â