By Melissa Lee
Beauty is an ever-changing market and there are always new beauty trends and tips taking the world by storm. But this season’s trend has nothing to do with the best new foundation or eye shadow palette… it’s actually wearing no makeup! This revolution was originally led by Alicia Keys and her decision to ditch makeup altogether. Keys looks even more gorgeous and healthier than ever — and her sans makeup look might be the reason why!
Looking for some beauty tips for those days you choose to skip makeup? Look no further, because Cupid’s got your back!
1. Ice: Keys’ makeup artist has actually explained that on days her skin needs a little tightening, ice is the best solution. She’ll take a facial massager and put it in the freezer, then roll it over her face to bring the blood to the surface. This tip is supposed to make your skin look more alive, giving the illusion that you’re well-rested and ready to take on the day, even when you’re not.
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2. Cucumber: Remember when you and your friends would have sleepovers and put cucumbers over your eyes for absolutely no reason? Well, turns out cucumber is super beneficial for the skin. As a cooling agent, cucumber works to draw the heat out of the skin and bring the blood to the top. Be careful to avoid the sensitive areas of the eye, but don’t be afraid to place it all over the face either!
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3. Oils: Regardless of your skin type, skincare oils can still work wonders for you! There are tons of different types of facial oils so it’s important to find the ones that are most beneficial for you, but they can still reduce wrinkles, improve dry skin or patches, protect your skin, shrink enlarged pores, calm down rashes, and more. Keys’ makeup artists swears by MV Organic Skincare.
What are some of your tips for ditching makeup? Share your thoughts below.