Cupid's Pulse Article: Celebrity Couple News: Gigi Hadid’s Family Calls Zayn Malik a ‘Great Guy’ and Says ‘She’s Happy’Cupid's Pulse Article: Celebrity Couple News: Gigi Hadid’s Family Calls Zayn Malik a ‘Great Guy’ and Says ‘She’s Happy’

By Noelle Downey

Great celebrity couple news for any Gigi Hadid or Zayn Malik fans out there, the couple is still going strong and it’s official, the family approves! According to, Hadid’s soon-to-be stepmom and reality TV star Shiva Safai gushed about the celebrity couple in a recent interview, saying, “They have a great relationship.” Noting that Malik is “a great guy” and that Hadid is “a very smart girl,” Safai spilled that she and the family are totally on board with the Hollywood relationship. “As long as she’s happy in a relationship, that’s all we want.” Safai said sweetly, “So I’m just happy that she’s happy.”

This celebrity couple is happy as can be! What are some things you can do about an unhappy relationship?

Cupid’s Advice:

When it comes to famous celebrity couples, it’s great to see ones like Hadid and Malik who have officially achieved romantic bliss. But sometimes in relationships, things don’t go as smoothly. Here are Cupid’s top tips for dealing with an unhappy relationship in your own life:

1. Talk it out: First things first, prioritize communicating clearly with your partner. If there’s building resentment, frustration or some issue that’s become a roadblock to your happiness as a couple, sit them down and hash it out. It may be painful or angering in the moment, but ultimately it will do nothing but benefit your relationship and each other to know where both of you stand and that you’re both seeking resolution.

Related Link: Celebrity News: Gigi Hadid Tweets Support for Zayn Malik After Canceled Concert Due to Anxiety

2. See a counselor: While many couples cringe when they think about sharing their problems with a relationship expert and therapist, there are many upsides to bringing an unbiased third party into your discussions. Try to see this not as a sign that your relationship is not going as planned, but that you and your partner are both committed to talking your feelings out in healthy and fair ways. If anything, it’s an indicator of how dedicated you both are to preserving your relationship, not the other way around.

Related Link: Celebrity Couple News: Gigi Hadid & Zayn Malik Are Back Together

3. Know when it’s time to walk away: As painful as break-ups can be, there is nothing so painful as spending all your time trying to repair something that will simply never be truly fixed. If your partner isn’t doing their share to deal with your issues as a couple or if you feel that they’ve permanently damaged your trust in them, don’t be afraid to just say the words out loud; “It’s not working.” It may see scary and sad in the moment, but ultimately you’ll be happier on your own and eventually with someone else then you would be staying in a relationship that isn’t meant for you.

This celebrity couple is on cloud nine when it comes to their whirlwind romance. What are your ways of knowing when a relationship is solid or when it’s starting to rip at the seams? Let us know in the comments!