Cupid's Pulse Article: Dating Advice: Revive Your Love Life & New Year’s Resolution By Losing Weight, And Keeping It Off!Cupid's Pulse Article: Dating Advice: Revive Your Love Life & New Year’s Resolution By Losing Weight, And Keeping It Off!

On this week’s episode of Single in Stilettos, founder and matchmaker Suzanne Oshima talks to fitness and relationship expert Tracy Campoli to offer their best dating advice for those who want to improve their health and love life. Learn how to  live up to your New Year’s weight loss resolutions and  keep the pounds off with the following dating tips!

Dating Advice That Will Help You Achieve Your Weight Loss Goals

1. Get clear. Don’t just say you want to lose weight and never mention it again. You need to be clear about what exactly you want and how you’ll feel when you achieve your goal. If you can visualize what it would be like when you’ve lost the weight, then you’re in a good mindset to pursue your actual weight loss journey. Start from a place of success instead of making it a daunting task.

Related Link: Dating Advice: Think of Your Mind, Body, & Food When Out On Dates

2. Create a strategy. Stay away from the word “try,” you need to say you’ll “do”- and create a plan accordingly. In business, people create a clear plan and support system,  and they need to implement the same for their weight loss goals. You won’t be able to shed the pounds if you don’t have any structure. Consistency is key! It’s the only way you’ll get your dream body after all.

Related Link: Single in Stilettos Show: How to Get Into Shape for Dating

3. Make it your lifestyle. The best way to lose weight and keep it off is to turn your diet and workout routine into a lifestyle.   The pounds  will creep back on if you don’t implement these changes into your daily life. They don’t have to be drastic changes, they just have to be sustainable.  Your body will thank you in the future.

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