Cupid's Pulse Article: Bachelor Alum Melissa Rycroft Strickland Delivers a GirlCupid's Pulse Article: Bachelor Alum Melissa Rycroft Strickland Delivers a Girl

It’s a girl for Bachelor alum Melissa Rycroft Strickland, reports People. She and husband Tye Strickland welcomed daughter Ava Grace Strickland on Wednesday afternoon. Rycroft, who dumped Jason Mesnick after accepting a proposal on the Bachelor, married Strickland in December 2009. Ava Grace, the first child for both, weighed in at 6 lbs. 13 oz. and was born in Dallas, Texas.  Rycroft’s reaction? “Everything is wonderful and life is exactly as it should be.”

How do you keep hope after a relationship ends badly?

Cupid’s Advice:

There can be few things more mind boggling than believing your relationship is fine one day and then finding yourself single the next. This little doozey makes us all a bit crazy. Even if you think you’re ready for a new relationship, it can be hard to approach it with a clean slate:

1. Time heals all: This may be true, but so does moving forward.  Don’t hold yourself back and swear off relationships just because one didn’t work out. Each relationship is different and should be treated as such.

2. Learn from your mistakes: Your relationship may be over, but it’s not all bad. Treat it as an opportunity to learn from the past and move on to a happier place in a new relationship.

3. Look for the silver lining: If all else fails and skies look gray ahead, keep it simple. If you were meant to be together, you would be. Keep the faith that there’s someone out there for you.