Cupid's Pulse Article: Celebrity News: Calvin Harris Unfollows Taylor Swift on Social MediaCupid's Pulse Article: Celebrity News: Calvin Harris Unfollows Taylor Swift on Social Media

By Cortney Moore

Scottish DJ Calvin Harris is definitely make waves in celebrity news with his actions towards former girlfriend Taylor Swift! According to, the 32-year-old unfollowed the pop singer and her family on social media, while also blocking Swift fans and deleting photos of them together on Instagram. But what prompted such a move? Well, it would seem that despite the celebrity break-up being fresh (2 weeks), Swift has moved on with a new man. Swift’s new beau is 35-year-old Tom Hiddleston, whom she was caught kissing in Rhode Island this week. Swift fired back by deleting photos of Harris on her social media accounts. Only time will tell if this former celebrity couple can have an amicable relationship post-breakup.

This celebrity news has us feeling bad for Calvin. What are some ways to cope when your ex moves on with someone new?

Cupid’s Advice:

Breakups are never fun. And, seeing your ex move on before you do can sometimes be painful. Cupid is here to help you cope:

1. Reflection: Your relationship is over now. Take some time to think about why that is. Reflect on what made you and your ex break up in the first place. Analyzing what went wrong while you were together can help you avoid repeating the mistakes that made your spark fizzle out.

Related Link: Khloe Kardashian Looks Forward to Having Kids Post Celebrity Divorce from Lamar Odom

2. Keep busy: Depending on how long you were in a relationship, you can find yourself feeling a bit lonely after your breakup. Don’t dwell on the negatives! Engage in your old hobbies, or try to get into new ones. This is the perfect time for you to enjoy solo activities. If going solo isn’t for you, make time for family and friends. Being sociable will keep you from fixating on what your ex is doing.

Related Link: Celebrity News: Taylor Swift Reportedly Wanted a ‘Future’ with Calvin Harris

3. Don’t stalk: Social media is a great tool, but it can also be a curse. DO NOT stalk your ex! This will only prolong your hurt. Sure, you might be curious to see what your ex is up to with their new significant other, sometimes hoping that they’re not happy. Don’t do this. You’ll definitely come across things you wish you hadn’t known. Stalking your ex is a punishment. Choose to work on yourself instead.

Have you ever watched your ex move on? How did you get over it? Share your stories below.