Cupid's Pulse Article: Dating Advice: 3 Ways to Fall Back in Love with Yourself After Getting DumpedCupid's Pulse Article: Dating Advice: 3 Ways to Fall Back in Love with Yourself After Getting Dumped

By Josh Ringler

Getting dumped is no fun at all. Feeling as though you may have lost your chance at love, maybe for the second or third time, can make you feel really down. But, it is important to stay proud of who you are, because there is a reason to love yourself. An important piece of love advice is to love yourself first, and after your heart gets broken, take the time to reevaluate and continue to love yourself regardless. If you need a few ways to fall back in love with yourself, check out these pieces of dating advice!

These pieces of dating advice will give you some ways to overcome that heart break and stay in love with yourself.

1. Love your body: After a break up, you may think that it was your fault. You might feel like you aren’t good enough, but that is the furthest thing from the truth. However, if you feel low on confidence or if you just want to prepare yourself for your next endeavor, a new workout schedule or diet could help you fall back in love with yourself! When celebrity couples break up, they are always changing their diets and working out to stay positive. Before you try to find love again, consider becoming a better you first.

Related Link: Dating Advice: How to Deal with Heartbreak

2. Find a hobby: It is really easy to lie on your bed, eat ice cream, and be sad about your break-up. But, it is just as easy to find a hobby or a new way to use your time wisely! You can start watching a new show, reading a new book, or finding a new favorite music genre. One of the hardest parts of a break-up is to replace the time you would have spent with your now ex. A great piece of love advice is to be proud of who you are and what you can accomplish with your time and talents. Finding a new hobby can be one of those ways! Plus, you might even find someone who shares some of the same interests as you!

Related Link: Relationship Advice: How to Handle Single-Shaming

3. Stay positive: Loving your body and finding new interests can only get you so far. A crucial aspect of falling back in love with yourself is your attitude. A bad attitude won’t help a thing, but a positive attitude could go a long way in recovering your self-love. Smiles really do brighten people’s days, and they can brighten yours, too, so try to stay cheery when life gets you down. With a positive outlook, you’ll realize a lot of things are easier to accomplish and your outlook on your love life will improve.

Are you looking for ways to love yourself again? What has worked for you? Comment below!