Cupid's Pulse Article: Celebrity News: Beyonce and Jay-Z Remove Wedding Rings Amid Reports of Marital ProblemsCupid's Pulse Article: Celebrity News: Beyonce and Jay-Z Remove Wedding Rings Amid Reports of Marital Problems

By Brooke Crawford

Celebrity couples are not exempt from the same marital issues that anyone else could have. In latest celebrity news, Beyoncé and Jay-Z‘s relationship is on rocks, says a source. According to , the couple has been seen without their celebrity wedding rings on. During the kickoff of her tour, Beyoncé dedicated a song to her husband, as if to throw off the rumors of marital issues. After the release of Lemonade and the allegations of infidelity, it seems fitting that the rings coming off is a sign of problems.

We wouldn’t call this uplifting celebrity news. What are some steps to take if you feel your marriage is in jeopardy?

Cupid’s Advice:

No one wants to have a failing marriage, and sometimes it can be hard to find your way back to happiness. Cupid has a little bit of relationship advice to help you through a difficult time:

1. Plan dates: Sometimes a little time out together can take away from the marriage problems and remind you of why you got married in the first place. Find something that you both enjoy doing, and make light conversation while leaving the negativity at home.

Related Link: Alternatives to Couples Therapy: Save Your Relationship and Love Life

2. Discuss the problems: Sit down and talk out the reason for your marital issues. Work together to find the roots of the problems, and discuss what can be done to fix them. Be sure to hear one another out completely so that there is no error in communication.

Related Link: Relationship Advice: 3 Ways to Handle Unmet Expectations in Marriage

3. Counseling: When you feel like you have run out of options, counseling can be a helpful option. A counselor serves as a third party mediator between you and your spouse. An outside pair of eyes can help to give a non-biased view of what is going on in your marriage.

Marital problems are different for every couple. How were you able to navigate through these issues? Tell us below!