Cupid's Pulse Article: Celebrity Interview: ‘Mob Wives’ Marissa Jade Says Marriage & Kids Are Not In Her FutureCupid's Pulse Article: Celebrity Interview: ‘Mob Wives’ Marissa Jade Says Marriage & Kids Are Not In Her Future

Interview by Lori Bizzoco. Written by Dena Linzer

Mob Wives reality TV starMarissa Fiore (also known as Marissa Jade), may comes across as the ultimate diva and tough girl on television but in our recent interview with her, we learned that there’s a lot more to this doting mother of one than meets the eye. This goal-oriented actress may not be very well known in the “mob” community, but she does hope to become a household name for her acting, modeling and career endeavors. In our latest celebrity interview on, we had the pleasure of chatting with Jade about her career, her son, and her relationship status.

Reality TV Star Marissa Jade Talks About Her Relationship In Celebrity Interview

Despite it being the show’s last season, Mob Wives added a few newcomers, including Fiore and Brittany Fogarty. Fiore was infamous for arguments with some of the other cast members, but does not have any regrets. “I’m very happy with the way I portrayed myself,” she says. While some reality TV stars may watch their show and have a cringe worthy moment, Fiore says looking back on the episodes there was no cringe-moment for her. However, she does recall an episode where she showed up in the ‘wrong’ outfit, but says that she doesn’t regret it. “I thought that I was attending a beach party.” she confessed. Little did she realize she was having a sit-down and fight with Fogarty.

As an actress, Jade has been in scripted shows, including Gossip GirlLaw and Order and The Good Wife. So, people may question the true reality of the Mob Wives given her acting background. “Mob Wives is definitely real, however it is also improvisation at the same time,” she verifies. When asked which genre of television she prefers, she says that she wouldn’t mind doing more reality TV as long as it is not drama based. She is also open to the idea of doing a spin-off show if the opportunity presented itself.

Related Link: Celebrity Interview: ‘Mob Wives’ Reality TV Star Brittany Fogarty Discusses the Final Season and Reveals Her Favorite Date Night

The final season of Mob Wives had its fair share of emotion and drama, especially with the passing of beloved Big Ang. “It was hard at first,” the model shares. “We got to see what she was going through and we thought she was okay. When the cancer came back, it came back so aggressively.” Fiore says she felt like Big Ang got worse overnight. During her time on the show, Fiore did get close with Big Ang and says it was very sad when she passed. “I just started to have a bond with her on the show,” she says. “I liked her. We got along, had great moments, and a lot of great times.” If there’s one thing for certain, the emotions on this season were very real.

Fiore knows that sometimes she can give off the diva image on television, but she says the one thing viewers didn’t see is that she is actually pretty laid back. “I’m really a cool chick…I’m chill,” she says. She also described herself as a tom-boy growing up and one of the dudes. “I hate catty drama,” she added.

Related Link: Celebrity Interview: ‘Mob Wives’ Reality TV Star Renee Graziano Says She’s “Dating and Enjoying Being Spoiled Like a Princess”

In regards to her celebrity relationship, although Fiore is with O.Z. right now she doesn’t see a celebrity wedding in the near future noting that she’s anti-paperwork. “I don’t feel like I need a piece of paper to justify what I am to somebody,” the career-minded actress and model admits. In terms of children, she’s just not interested right now but, “You never know,” she adds. “I want to be a successful model and actress. I want to be a household name,” Right now, she’s a young 31-year-old mom looking to focus on her career she reveals in our one-on-one celebrity interview.

Fiore is definitely making a name for herself, but her 7-year-old son is her biggest fan. He chose his famous mother as the person he looks up to most for a school project. “He’s proud of me,” the celebrity mom shares. Being a single mom cannot be easy, especially with a booming career like Fiore. “My life has always been crazy like that, but I have a lot of support.”

You can keep up with Marissa Jade by following her on Instagram @msmarissajade and Twitter @MsMarissaJade