Cupid's Pulse Article: Caught: Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez Holding HandsCupid's Pulse Article: Caught: Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez Holding Hands

Photographic evidence of rumored couple Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez has officially been captured, according to While the rest of the country tuned in to Super Bowl XLV, Gomez and Bieber kept a low profile in Santa Monica, California. The rumored duo were hanging out by the pier when a paparazzo snapped a photo of them holding hands. According to sources, the pair “giggled” at being caught on film. While the two have been trying to keep their relationship under wraps, photographs of them getting close on a yacht in the Caribbean were taken on New Year’s.

When should you come clean about a long-rumored romance?

Cupid’s Advice:

Sometimes when you become a part of a new relationship, it’s fun and exciting to keep things on the down-low. But when things start to heat up and it gets harder to cover your tracks, it may be time to come clean and own up to your new relationship:

1. Ain’t no shame!: Unless your new boyfriend still hasn’t broken things off with his previous girlfriend, there’s no reason to hide your relationship. Love should be celebrated, and keeping it under wraps may come off as suspicious.

2. Parental approval: If your parents have their eyes set on one type of man and you fall in love with another, that’s just the way it is. The sooner you open up to your parents, the sooner your partner will win their approval.

3.  When you start to lie: It may seem like a good idea at the time, but when you to go out in public together under wraps, jealousy and hurt feelings can ensue. Nobody knows you’re together, which brings on incorrect introductions and unexpected come-on’s from other party-goers.