Cupid's Pulse Article: Relationship Advice: 5 Ways to Restore Trust in Your RelationshipCupid's Pulse Article: Relationship Advice: 5 Ways to Restore Trust in Your Relationship

By Katie Gray

Trust is the most important aspect of a relationship. Without trusting your partner and having that trust reciprocated, your relationship won’t be a healthy and happy one. We can take cues from celebrity couples and their celebrity relationships to see how they restore the trust in their relationship when it’s lost. For example, Pink and Carey Hart married in 2006, and announced their separation in 2008. After marriage counseling and song therapy, they reunited in 2010, welcomed daughter Willow Sage in June 2011, and just celebrated their 10 year celebrity wedding anniversary. According to Psychology Today, 41% of first marriages and 60% of second marriages end in divorce. Wow! Nobody told us relationships would be easy; they just promised it would be worth it!

Cupid has some relationship advice on how to restore the trust in your relationship:

1. Open communication: You can’t trust someone if you don’t have a mutual open line of communication. Tell your partner how you feel and what you are thinking, and also encourage them to do the same. You have to feel comfortable speaking with your partner about any topic. It’s important for both partners to know that they can talk to the other about anything and that it stays private between just the two of you.

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2. Establish boundaries: You must establish boundaries with your partner right away. If something makes you uncomfortable, then you need to let your partner know. You two must decide as a couple how to deal with exes, privacy, outings, and so forth. If something makes your partner uncomfortable, it’s up to you to respect that. Establish guidelines that you both agree upon. It’s all about compromise in a relationship!

Related Link: Celebrity Couples: Music’s 5 Most Powerful Pairs

3. Affirmations, therapy and exercises: Staying positive goes a long way. To restore trust in a relationship, you must work hard at it. Saying affirmations, doing exercises as a couple and going to therapy and counseling will help a lot.

4. Date night: It’s imperative to spend quality time with your partner. It gives you time to bond and to remember why you fell in love with them in the first place. You won’t start trusting someone again unless you feel like you know them. Therefore, having a date night ritual is a good place to reconnect.

5. Forgive and forget: You won’t be able to move forward if you are harboring feelings of resentment and anger. It’s imperative to work past those issues and clear them up right away. You must practice forgiveness. Whatever your partner did to make you distrust them, you have to first forgive and then forget, in order to move on. Clear up the issues that arose and solve them so you can start trusting your partner again. After all, you care about them or you wouldn’t want to stay with them.

What are some ways that you have restored trust in your relationship? Comment below.