Cupid's Pulse Article: Celebrity Couple Fun: Chrissy Teigen Shares Hilarious Post-Thanksgiving Pics with John LegendCupid's Pulse Article: Celebrity Couple Fun: Chrissy Teigen Shares Hilarious Post-Thanksgiving Pics with John Legend

By Katie Gray

In latest celebrity couple news, supermodel and mother-to-be, Chrissy Teigen, and husband, singer John Legend enjoyed their Thanksgiving holiday. After eating what was no doubt a lot, they created funny photos with a fat booth app. This famous couple obviously has a good sense of humor! They keep their celebrity romance alive with laughter. According to, the duo also love to cook! Teigen shared a video of herself and Legend cooking a feast in their kitchen together.

The celebrity couple that has fun together, stays together! What are some ways to make your partner laugh?

Cupid’s Advice:

If you can make someone laugh, they will love you forever! There’s nothing more attractive than a person with a good sense of humor. It’s important to have a partner who can make you laugh, even on your saddest days. They say the way to the heart is through a person’s stomach, but it’s also by making them laugh! Cupid has some dating advice:

1. Inside jokes: Nothing is better than feeling like you and your partner are in on something that nobody else is aware of. It’s you two against the world! Share your inside jokes with each other to keep your bond strong.

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2. Personality based: In order to make your partner laugh, you have to cater to their personality. When you know their interests, feelings and passions, you know what to joke about with them.

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3. Adventures: Go on an adventure with your partner, and the laughs are sure to follow! Whether you are traveling, trying a new restaurant, or partaking in an activity, funny situations will arise. Enjoy what the world has to offer together with your partner!

What are some ways that you make your partner laugh? Comment your stories with us below.